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What is biotechnology….???

Biotechnology may be as old as human civilization but modern biotechnology is less than three decades old. Traditional Biotechnology that led to the development of processes for producing products like yogurt, Vinegar, alcohol and cheese was entirely empirical and bereft of any understanding of the mechanisms that led to the product. There was no possibility of a deliberate design to produce a desired new product.

In modern biotechnology, we use the in- depth understanding we have gained in the last five decades. The mechanisms that underlie the variety of functions performed by living organisms, to produce a desired new or old product. In the case of an established product, the new biotechnological process is cheaper and better in many respects than the earlier processes. Modern biotechnology has been, infact, an historical imperative. Its emergence on the world scene was predicted at least four decades ago.

Scope of Biotechnology-

Genetic engineering
Gene Therapy
Tissue culture
Stem cell techniques
Enzyme engineering and technology
Photosynthetic efficiency
New DNA technologies
Plant-based drugs
Peptide synthesis
Assisted reproductive technologies
Organ transplantation
New drug-delivery systems
Production of useful materials
Production of new materials using new ideas
DNA vaccines
Use of microbes
Processing of low-grade ores using microorganisms
Bioinformatics, including genomics and proteomics

Food technology